
Background Information/Overview Of What Happened

Newspapers became 4-columns

The Wizard of Oz was written

Book Reviews were made in 1905

The 20th Century Dictionary

The Catalog of The Theatre was Made (Basically just a program/the television guide)

Related People and Events

Calligraphy was first created and written

Movies were 1st made in Europe and Japan

Broadways Choir was re-invented (new people sung in it)

Thomas Mann - 1st Nobel Peace Prize winner

Crystal radio Waves were invented in Germany

Marconi (an Italian engineer) reveals a radio signal

Why was this event Important?

     This topic is important because there is a lot of people that depend on the news and information like that which started in the 1900s. Also, a lot of people like to read about certain things in the newspaper like sports and who is going to get what and for what reason and what horse won a race or something like that. A lot of people really like how the newspapers are split into sections which first started happening in the 1900s. A lot of  news and stuff like that started happening in the 1900s. Unfortunately, there wasn’t television back then so, they came up with news on the television so, the televised news came to be later.

How did this Event Change America or Reflect a Changing America?

     This event changed America because a lot of people now depend on the weather reports and a lot of people can’t imagine life without weather reports because there is a lot of information that people get from them so that they can prepare and not be suddenly struck by an unexpected weather condition. Back then, they would probably have to bring everything with them (rain coats, umbrellas, sunglasses, sunscreen, shorts, pants, T-Shirts, sweatshirts, flip-flops, boots, etc...) on trips because they didn’t even realize that they were going crazy bringing stuff because they thought that the weather was too unpredictable. I feel really bad for those people that have to carry all of that stuff on trips just because they have no idea what the weather is going to be like.
