Background Information and Fun Facts

Dancing was starting to be made around the music and gave a certain beat/rhythm to the dances

There was the 1st ever President of Dance

A Dance For Just Talking Was Made

The 1st Military Dance Was Made

Related People and Events

James Finnigan

Making Plays

The First Association of Dance Presidents

Dancing was Done to the beat of Music



Why was this Topic Important?

     This topic is important because there is a lot of interesting things that have to do with dance that are good with different dances that were created and they even made it so that there was a dance with beats and rhythms. 

How did this Topic Change America or how did it Reflect a Changing America?

     This topic changed America because there are now a lot of different cool dances that were created/made in the 1900s. Also, when dancing became to the beat of music, there is a lot more dancing and dancing seems to make more sense because just dancing not to the beat of music is really weird.
